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  • 99.00
    Activated Charcoal is an adsorbent used to remove a wide range of pollutants from the air, water, soil, and above all, an excellent, non-toxic powder for cleansing and strengthening our body, used by our grandparents. It allows us to remove, among others, pesticides, detergents, phenols and heavy metals, any cumulated toxins from our body; supports the digestive system, relieves the feeling of fullness & bloating…
  • 160.00
    ADEK represents a set of all fat-soluble vitamins including Vitamin A, D, E, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins play integral roles in many physiological processes such as vision, bone health, immune function and coagulation. Also contributes to maintaining proper…
  • 180.00
    AID BALANCE was created to support the body in deacidification. When the body is acidified, the acid-base balance may be disturbed. The pH of the blood does not change. It’s just that the body has to put in a little more effort to maintain blood pH. For this purpose, it can use more different micro and macronutrients. In addition, the theory of acidification often occurs in the context of a diet rich in acid-forming foods, which can slightly affect urine pH, as well as our mood.
  • 145.00
    Chlorella benefits the entire body by supporting healthy hormonal function, promoting cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and aiding in the detoxification of our bodies. This amazing algae has many valuable properties. The most important of them are: ability to bind and remove harmful substances from the body, such as
  • 260.00
    Discover the incredible benefits of Green Barley Leaf Juice Powder. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, maintain healthy skin, support healthy vision, assist in wound healing, body detox, control glucose, contribute to enzyme reactions, encourage bone growth, or facilitate cell development, green barley powder is your friendly supplement.
  • Magnesium is essential for more than 300 metabolic reactions in human cells in concert with hundreds of enzyme systems. Magnesium apart from strengthening the bones, supports our teeth, promotes muscle contraction and relaxation, also lowers the risk of heart disease, prevents stroke and obesity, treats diabetes, improves mood and memory, assists with the synthesis of nucleic acids, fats and protein. Energy production in the cell requires magnesium.
  • 60.00
    Milk Thistle is valued for its healing properties, especially in relation to the liver. Milk Thistle seeds are rich in silymarin, a compound with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Silymarin is considered a natural…
  • 135.00
    PARA HERB is an anti-parasite supplement composed of a mixture of natural herb ingredients. The dietary supplement contains substances that help cleanse the body of toxins and parasite fragments. The mixture of specific herbs creates unfavorable conditions for the development of parasites and their spore forms, strengthens the digestive and
  • 250.00
    PARA TRIO has a perfect effect on the digestive system and intestines, eliminating the presence of parasites and eliminating catarrhs ​​such as diarrhea and poisoning. In addition, it stimulates the digestive system and improves...
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